The Lazy Bird

Once, there was an extremely lazy bird. She would do everything at least two days late. Her friends were fed up with her, but she never listened to them. One day, the bird overslept and missed the group departure for a long trip to the south. Now she was all alone. She was terrified and thought, ‘How will I survive winter?’ After crying for hours, the bird started to think. She thought of the other animals and how they survived. Some slept right through, some gathered food beforehand and some dug deep holes. The bird looked round and found an old tree with a hole. She made herself a cosy, warm nest in it. Then she gathered nuts, fruit, grains, and filled her store. She found a small pool of water close by. Winter came and went. When her friends returned, they were amazed to see her healthy, happy and hardworking. The bird became quite famous for her survival in winter. From being lazy, she had become a role model!

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