The Lazy Husband

Once upon a time, there was a lazy man who could not even farm his land. He used to beg for food from his neighbours which he brought home to his family. One night, his wife went out to the farm and put pieces of ensete (also known as ‘false banana’, is an important root crop in southern Ethiopia) into the ground. In the morning, she called her husband and children to show a miracle. She dug the ensete out of the ground and showed them. She told her husband to dig at lunchtime and get ensete. And he got it. For the supper, too, she buried the ensete and he dug it up. They had a good meal. The next morning, he kept digging throughout the day to find more ensete. When he rested, the children dug and he no longer had to beg for food. Finally, all the ground was dug and it became a farm, ready for sowing. And now, he just had to sow.

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