Once, there lived in a tree, a little migratory bird named Nippy. He was very nice, but was very lazy. On the arrival of the autumn season, all his fellow birds started preparing for a long journey to a warm place. But Nippy, being lazy, did not prepare for the journey and kept on postponing the preparations. The birds followed certain rules for the great journey. One was punctuality. The birds strictly followed the schedule of departure. On the day of the great journey, when Nippy’s friends tried to wake him up, he mumbled something that they did not understand. The birds could not delay the journey because of Nippy, so they left him behind and flew away towards the warmer destination. When Nippy woke up, he realised that all his fellow birds had left for the journey. He also understood that he would have to spend the long cold winter on his own, all due to his laziness.
The Lazy Little Bird