The Lion and his Cub

One day, the lion decided that it was time to take his cub for exploring the jungle. Soon, they were on their way. Suddenly, the cub asked, “Father, what is up there in the tree?” Father replied, “That thing up there is an old owl. Did he give you a scare?” The cub replied, “Dad, I am not scared as long as you are there.” Then they walked on. Suddenly the cub stopped and asked his father, “What is that black shape hanging down from that tree?” The lion said, “That thing up there is just a snake. Did he scare you?” The cub replied, “Dad, I am not scared as long as you are there.” Several such incidences took place on the way. Finally, all the animals gave a surprise and pounced on the lion. Then they laughed and said, “Did we scare you?” The lion replied, “No! Not so long as my cub is there.”

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