The Lion and the Doe

Once, a rich man owned a herd of cattle. He had employed a man to look after them. The herdsman would take the cattle to the forest to graze. From there, he would bring milk, butter and cheese to the rich man in Bodh Gaya. One day, the rich man asked the herdsman, “Why have you brought so little milk?” The herdsman replied, “The cows need to be calm to give milk. They are scared of a lion in the forest.” The rich man asked the herdsman, “Does the lion have any friend?” The herdsman said, “The lion is friendly with a doe.” The rich man said, “Capture the doe and leave it in the next forest.” The herdsman did as instructed. The lion missed the doe so much that it followed the doe’s smell to the other forest. The cattle became relaxed again.

Moral: A peaceful idea can solve a difficult problem.

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