The Lion and the Hare

The old hare played around in the forest and reached the lion very late. The hungry lion was in a very bad temper at having been kept waiting for so long. And all that he would get after such a long wait was one small hare! He roared, “Why are you so late?” “Your Majesty, I was held up by another lion on the way!” said the hare, “He has ordered me to return after informing you, as he wants to eat me.” “Another lion? In my forest?” said the lion king, “Take me to him at once! I’ll teach him a lesson!” “But, Your Majesty, he is a huge lion,” said the old hare, “His roar is so loud that I was terrified!” “Do you think it can be louder than mine?” asked the lion, even more enraged now. “I don’t want him to harm you, Your Majesty,” said the hare.

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