Once, the lion, who was the king of the jungle, decided to appoint various animals as his ministers. He handed out important portfolios to them. The tiger became the army commander because he was fierce. The wise elephant was made the prime minister and so on. Only the rabbit, the tortoise and the donkey were left out. The animals made fun of them. The camel said, “The rabbit gets scared easily and the tortoise takes hours to move. The donkey is a fool. They cannot get any post in the royal court.” But the lion said, “Please don’t tease them. All animals have different and unique qualities. The rabbit will be our messenger because he runs fast. The tortoise can spy on the border posts. The loud voice of the donkey can be used as a bugle call. We must learn to respect everyone.” The animals realized their mistake and kept quiet.
Moral: Everyone is important.
The Lion Teaches a Lesson