The Lioness Learns a Lesson


Once, there was a village. A lioness lived near the village and killed a child each time she felt hungry. One day, she gave birth to a cub. Once, when the lioness was away, the cub came out of the cave. He started playing outside. Suddenly, a bull who was passing by saw the cub. The bull hurt cub with his horns. When the lioness came back, she was anguished to see her hurt cub. She cried, “Oh! Who is so cruel to have hurt my cub?” A hunter heard the lioness and commented, “You have also killed many a child. Their mothers also wept like this. You did not feel pity for them, so why should anyone feel pity for you and spare your children?” The lioness realised her mistake and stopped eating children from the village since then. The villagers heaved a sigh of relief.
Moral: You reap what you sow.

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