Once, there was a villager who had many camels. He would sell their milk for a living. There was a baby camel he was particularly fond of.
The camels went grazing in a jungle every day. But the baby camel would stray away. He had a habit of roaming around everywhere. Since the villager was worried for him, he tied a bell around his neck. One day, the baby camel got lost. Wandering in the jungle, he reached the lion’s den. But the lion was sleeping. Meanwhile, the villager had set out into the jungle, looking for the baby camel. He listened to the bell jingling and followed the sound. Soon, he found the baby camel near the den. The villager quietly picked him up and rushed back home. On returning home, he told the baby camel, “Be with your elders wherever you go.” The baby camel promised to listen to his elders.