The Little Mules

There were two little mules. They loved to roam about in the corn fields. Whenever they would be hungry, they would feed on the corn. Then they would play around in the fields. They were happy living a free life. One day, as they were roaming around, they came to a huge meadow. The elder mule said to his younger brother, “Let’s have a race and see who runs the faster.” They had run a short distance, when the older mule said, “See how fast I can run! Our mother is a horse. Surely, she must have been a good racer!” After running some more, the older mule got exhausted and he halted. His younger brother caught up with him and said, “Brother, how could you forget that our father is a donkey? We cannot run like a horse. Our energy is limited.” There are always two sides to every situation.

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