The Little Witch

There was something peculiar about Amy. She spoke to nobody and played with nobody. In between classes, she would walk around the school clutching her little doll. Everyone made fun of her, but she kept away. One day, Daisy, Carol and Janet got hold of Amy’s doll. Daisy snipped off the doll’s long hair. Janet coloured her cherry red lips, black. Carol poked holes in the doll’s dress. They put the doll back into Amy’s bag. The next day, when the girls reached school, the whole class laughed at them. Their teacher, stern Miss Grace, asked them to take a look in the mirror. The girls ran to the bathroom and peered into the mirror. It was a terrible sight! They cried out in shock! Daisy’s long hair was short and badly cut. Janet’s lips had turned charcoal black. Carol had holes all through her uniform. Bold red letters suddenly appeared on the mirror: ‘Don’t touch my doll, ever.’

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