‘I will not talk to anyone,’ thought Angelina, the little mermaid angrily. ‘Nobody loves me. They keep scolding me!’ Angelina swam angrily away from home. She did not realise that she had come a long way from home. It was getting dark. Angelina was tired. She wanted to go home now. “Where am I?” she cried in panic. She couldn’t see home. “I want my mommy!” she wailed loudly. “Why are you crying, my child?” a loud but gentle voice boomed. “I want to go home. I’ve lost my way!” cried Angelina. “Follow my voice,” said the gentle loud voice. Angelina obeyed. The loud voice kept talking to her soothingly. Soon, Angelina saw her mother searching worriedly. “Mommy!” she jumped in her mother’s arms. Angelina’s mother turned to thank the good soul for bringing back Angelina. It was the same dragon whale that everyone in the ocean hated. Angelina’s mother thanked the dragon.
The Lost Mermaid