The Lump of Gold

Once, a rich man in Kapilavastu buried his gold in a rice field, to protect it from robbers. However, the rich man soon died and the rice field was abandoned. Many years later, a poor farmer decided to plough the rice field. While ploughing, he found the long-forgotten gold. The farmer tried to lift the huge lump of gold, but he could not, since it was very heavy. The farmer thought for a while and then decided, “I will break the gold into four lumps and carry them home one by one.” At home, he thought, ‘I will use one lump for everyday expenses. The second lump I will save for a rainy day and the third I will invest in my farming business. With the fourth lump I will gain merit by giving it to the poor.’ Thus, he divided the gold and lived happily ever after.

Moral: Share what you have.

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