The Lying Frog


One day, a frog left the pond he was living in and went to a lake in the forest. He wanted to meet all the animals and be friends with them. So, he climbed on a rock by the lake and shouted, “Friends, please come here! I am new here. I want to meet all of you.” Many animals heard him and came to the lake. The frog wanted to impress everyone, so he lied, “Let me introduce myself. I am a doctor. I can cure any ailment that you might be suffering from. I have medicines for all animal diseases. You can come to me anytime.” Hearing this, a rabbit commented, “If you can cure everyone then why haven’t you cured your lame legs? See how you keep hopping around all the time.” All the animals and the birds laughed at the frog. The frog went red with shame, for his lie had been detected.
Moral: Lies are always caught.

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