The Magic Blackboard

Once, a boy named Ken was walking through a little forest when he found a big blackboard and a box of glittering chalk pieces. Ken started drawing on the board: first a tree, then a rabbit, and then a flower. Magically, whenever he finished a figure it came to life and jumped out of the board. He drew a green, fertile forest. Lots of animals played around happily in that forest. Ken also drew his parents with sandwiches and cold drinks. He also drew the paper plates and the empty cans left on the ground. The litter in the picture turned the forest into a grey junkyard. Ken was disappointed. He realised that the litter was the reason behind the forest turning grey. He quickly rubbed off the entire litter from the picture that he had drawn. The forest turned green again! And the magical blackboard disappeared. Ken understood the message that the magical blackboard gave him–‘Keep our Nature clean and green!’

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