The flute was lying, dusty and neglected, in a shop selling many things: books, tools, toys, musical instruments, antiques. The flute had been lying in the shop for a long time because no one wanted it. Outside the shop was a board that said: BILLY’S BIN.
Jenny passed along that road every day. She wanted to play a flute, but was afraid it was very costly. In fact, she never went into any shop for fear that people would laugh at her. She was very poor and had no toys.
One day, as she went past the window of Billy’s Bin, she happened to look in. On a shelf inside was the flute. Her heart ached, but she forced herself to look away and walk on. After that, every day she would stop, look at the flute through the window and walk on.
Billy, the owner of the shop, became aware of this routine of Jenny day after day. He became very curious. The next day he stood near the window. When Jenny stopped outside to peep in, he ran out to her. Jenny looked up at him, frightened.

“I was only looking, sir!” she said.
“I know,” smiled Billy, “I see you looking in every day, my dear. I am wondering why you do that.”
“There’s a flute in your shop, sir. I stop to look at it,” explained Jenny. “Would you like to see it?” offered Billy.
Jenny was delighted. Billy took her into the shop and took the flute down. He dusted it and handed it to Jenny. She took it gently and put it to her lips to play.
Now that was a magical flute. It had waited years for the right person to come. And Jenny was its true owner. As Jenny blew into it, the flute played a beautiful tune. Billy looked stunned! He couldn’t believe it! Jenny stopped and held out the flute to Billy.
“Don’t you like it?” asked Billy.
“Oh! I love it, sir! But I have no money. I can’t buy it,” said Jenny, “Thank you for letting me play it.”

“Wait!” said Billy as she turned to leave, “No one has touched this flute for years. It has been waiting for you. Please take it as a gift from me.”
Jenny looked at Billy in amazement.
“Thank you so much, sir! I’ll come here to play a tune every day!” promised Jenny. And when Jenny played, more customers came to the shop. Billy had given a gift to Jenny and to himself!