The Magical Glass Shoes

Jane was the daughter of the palace cook. She combed the princess’ hair and cleaned her room every day. The princess had a pair of sparkling glass shoes. She would wear these shoes and dance like a fairy. One day, when Jane was cleaning the princess’ room, she found the glass shoes under the bed. Suddenly, the glass shoes spoke, “You can wear us and dance like a fairy. But, you must promise us something,” the shoes whispered. Jane agreed to make the strange promise. She wore the glass shoes and danced for hours. When the clock struck seven, she threw the glass shoes in the fireplace. She had kept her promise. Immediately, two beautiful fairies appeared in front of her. They said, “Thank you for breaking the spell. A witch had cursed us. The princess had promised to free us, but she did not keep her word.” The two fairies blessed Jane and went away.

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