Seeing his brother’s severed head, Ravana was grief-stricken. Kumbhakarna’s death was a major loss for the whole of Lanka. Ravana was deeply worried as he could easily see his defeat in the battle with Rama. When Meghnath saw his father worried, he consoled him and entered the battlefield once again. With his magical powers, Meghnath launched an attack from his flying chariot. Hundreds of monkeys were killed on the spot. He then began a tough fight against Laxman and ultimately shot his ‘Agnibaan’ on Laxman due to which Laxman fell unconscious. It was near death. On seeing Laxman unconscious, Hanuman approached Lanka’s royal physician Sushena for advice. Sushena asked Hanuman to rush to the Himalayas where on Dronagiri Hills he would find some medicinal herbs like Mrithasanjeevani, Vishalyakarani, Sandhanakarani and Savarnyakarani. He asked Hanuman to fetch those herbs. However, on reaching the hills, Hanuman was unable to identify the herbs, so he uprooted the entire hill and brought it to physician Sushena. Sushena picked the four herbs and cured Laxman’s wounds. Laxman was revived from near death back to life. Hanuman then took back the uprooted hill to affix it at its original place and rejoined the army.