The Man and his Wife

There was a man who loved his wife and cared for her so much that he wanted to do everything she asked for. He had a garden that he tendered very carefully and lovingly. One day his wife inquired about the garden about which the husband was passionate. And he explained to her about all the plants he was growing and promised to take her there. The next morning, the man took her to the garden and told her how to care for the plants. As they were entering the garden, two men standing nearby also followed them thinking that the man was an adulterer and also the woman. They never thought that they were man and wife. They charged the husband and asked him how he could commit adultery. He explained that they were husband and wife but the men did not believe them. They killed the man thinking he was not her husband and killed the woman too. Thus, the Wazir explained to the King how a man who simply listened to his woman suffered by losing his life.

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