The man of iron will

One distinct quality of Ratan Tata that sets him apart from other industrialists is his will of steel. He sticks to his stand firmly if he is convinced that his stand is morally correct. To prove this point some episodes are revealing and are cited below :
During the strike at Pune Tata Motors Plant some communal extremists physically assaulted the staff of management and took control of a part of premises. Then Ratan Tata declared to them in clear terms, “If you have put a barrel to my head either take it away or pull the trigger. I am not a person to budge from my stand. I am a determined man.”

In Chennai with Murugappa Group CEO, M.V. Subaiyya, Venu Srinivasan MD, TVS Motor Co. and R.K. Raghavan, Ex-director CBI

Ratan Tata made a deal with the rival union and got the strike broken. Till the confrontation of extremists with the police Ratan Tata ignored the strike. It is not easy to make Ratan Tata bend. The Muthuraman of Tata Group had said, “Ratan Tata is one of the few persons of iron will I know in my life so far.”
The second episode took place at Jamshedpur Tata Steel plant in the year 1990. Modernisation and upgradation wave was sweeping the industrial world of India. It had become imperative for Tatas also to go for modernisation. The one hundred year old Tata plant was saddled with old machines that depended on accessories no more under production. Ratan Tata had a 2.5 billion dollar modernisation plan ready. But the biggest problem was the future of the workers. There were 78,000 workers in the plant and after modernisation only 38,000 workers would be needed. 40,000 workers would have to be retrenched. The situation was explosive. Massive agitation could hit the plant any day with workers getting edgy about their future. Some corrupt political leaders or unionists were certain to fish in trouble waters or pour oil in fire.
Ratan Tata assessed the situation and reckoned that loss of earlier phase after the modernisation will be made up within a few years with efficient and increased output.
Before the workers he presented a retirement plan that was very attractive and retiring workers felt adequately compensated for loss of jobs. Ratan Tata has worked the plan with Jamshedji spirit which kept the welfare of the workers its top priority. Thus, thousands of workers were laid off without tears. A decade later modernised Tata Steel Plant emerged as world’s most efficient and profitable company in steel sector. It became so powerful that the other competing steel companies began to be taken over or aquired by it. This incident displayed the steel will of Ratan Tata. He won a big battle without shedding any blood or causing tears.

With Joint Editor of Hindu Business Live and CEO
of Garcia Media Mario Garcia

The knowledgeable readers and intellectuals know well that opportunist leaders for their narrow ends engineer strikes in industries by inciting the workers. The main aim is to get the fat ransom for ending the strike. In his industrial innings Ratan Tata also faced such situations of blackmail by union leaders but he refused to surrender or yield to their demands. During the licence-permit regime period many industrialists played cronies to the powers but even during that period Ratan Tata conducted himself with grace and dignity.
Tata Group is very proud of the fact that over a long period of its existence it has performed a great many acts of public welfare and charity but there is no instance of ever Tatas exploiting anyone. That fact gives a great moral strength to Ratan Tata.

With Dr. M. Vaman Rao

Even at the age of 70 the energy Ratan Tata exudes is envy of a young person. May be, the big dreamers can not be bound by limits of age. The lure of fame, glory and riches does not generate inner power or spirit. The pure idealism and noble purpose can. That is where Ratan Tata’s energy springs from. All the endeavours of his Tata Group go into enhancing the image of the nation and adding punch to its economic power. Then, there is added satisfaction of having addressed the social concerns and upheld the Tata tradition of lofty ideals.

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