The Mermaid Wife (Scotland)


One day, a man saw some mermen and mermaids dancing and several seal-skins strewed beside them on the ground. At his approach, they took their seal-skins and plunged into the sea. But one skin still lay there which he carried with him. On returning to the shore he met a beautiful maiden. She was the mermaid who was exiled as she had lost her seal-skin. The man fell in love with her beauty and asked her to marry him. Perceiving that she must become an inhabitant of the earth, she accepted his proposal and they soon married. The couple had several children. But the mermaid would often go secretly to meet a large seal in the sea and talk with him.

One day, their sons found a seal-skin hidden in their house and took it to his mother. She burst forth into an ecstasy of joy. She hastily embraced her children and fled towards the sea. The husband ran to overtake her but she told him that she loved him a lot but she always loved her first seal husband more. She then dived to unknown depths with her seal husband.

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