A king had a very talkative minister. Once he started talking no one could say a word. The king was fed up of him and wanted to teach him a lesson. Now, there was a man who was a wonderful marksman. The king came to know about him. He went to the man and said, “I have a very talkative minister. Do you think you could stop his talking?” The man replied, “Yes, I can.” The next day, the marksman stood behind a curtain with a pea-shooter full of a goat’s dry dung. Soon, the minister came to the king and started talking. Quickly, the marksman shot the pellets of the goat’s dung. The minister swallowed down the pellets. The king remarked to the minister, “You were so busy talking that you swallowed the goat’s dung.” The minister was too embarrassed to say anything. After that, he never opened his mouth to speak. The king rewarded the marksman generously.
The Minister and the Goat’s Dry Dung