“So you see, Chakravaka,” said Silver Plume, “Not all strangers are evil. There can be some like Viravara who will serve their master’s interests even at the cost of their own life, or by sacrificing what is so dear to them.” “I agree, Sir,” said Chakravaka humbly, “but a minister, a physician and a teacher must always speak the truth to benefit a person, even if the truth is hurtful. So, I must tell you still to be careful of crows, Sir.” “Why do you say that, O wise Chakravaka?” asked the King. “Let me share a story with you, Sir,” said the minister, “This is the story of a barber who became so greedy for money and wealth that he killed a Buddhist monk and, in the bargain, lost his own life too.” “Tell me the story,” said Silver Plume.
The Minister’s Wisdom