Sheikh Chilli took up a job at a rich man’s house. He was given the duty to look after his camels. One day, Sheikh led the camels into the forest. While the camels were grazing comfortably, he lay down under a tree and dozed off. Soon, he fell asleep and someone caught hold of the rope and led the camels away. When Sheikh woke up, he was shocked to find his camels missing. He looked around but nowhere could he see them. He decided that he would go back to his master only once he found the camels. He met some people known to his master. Now Sheikh did not know the name of the animals he was looking after! So, he pointed to the camel’s dung on the ground and said, “To those whom I belong (his master); please inform that those to whom this dung belongs (camels), have vanished.”
The Missing Camels