The Mixed-Up Morris

Morris was so muddled that he could mix up practically anything. He posted socks and left the milk outside, so the cat drank it up; he would ask the butcher for stamps and give the baker bananas instead of money! One day, there was a great procession in the city. The king and the queen would pass by in a carriage and the princess would follow in another. There would be marching soldiers and bands. People could present bouquets and gifts to Princess Penelope on the way. Morris had decided to present a bouquet. But when the carriage came by, he was holding a cabbage and a rabbit. He presented them to the princess! Princess Penelope was startled when she found herself holding a rabbit and a cabbage! She called for Morris. Instead of punishing him, she began to talk to him and made friends. Even Morris learnt to be sensible and became a minister.

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