The Monkey Prince

Once, there lived a cruel monkey king. He did not want his sons to take over the kingdom, so he bit them to make them weak. One of the king’s wives escaped and gave birth to a strong monkey. When the prince grew up, he went to meet his father. The king hugged him hard in order to choke him. But the monkey prince was strong and hugged back so hard that his father’s bones cracked! The monkey king then sent the monkey prince to a pond to pick flowers. The wise prince observed a naraka’s (demon’s) footprints on the banks and realised that the pond was possessed by the narakas. So, he picked flowers without stepping into the water. The water naraka was so impressed with the prince’s wisdom that he became his servant. The monkey king saw the naraka following his son and ran away. The strong and wise monkey prince became the king.

Moral: Your own insecurity will harm you in the end.

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