The Monkey’s Heart

On the beach of a sea, there was a tree which was laden with the jamun fruit all through the year. The fruit was sweet and juicy. It was the jambu tree. There lived on that tree a little monkey with a red face. He was a friendly and generous fellow.
One day, a large crocodile came swimming up to the beach and lay down to rest under the jambu tree. He had come a long way from the creek where he had his home. And the cool sand was so good to sleep on.
When the monkey saw him under the tree, he welcomed the crocodile and offered him the fruit of his special tree. The crocodile liked the fruit immensely and the two began to chat.
This became a pleasant daily routine for the two new friends. The crocodile would fill himself with the sweet juicy fruit and then both of them would share stories and laugh together.
The crocodile would carry back some of the fruit for his wife too every day. She enjoyed the delicious fruits. She asked him where he got them. So, the crocodile told her about his new friend and about how he gave him such tasty fruit. Now while the crocodile was a simple fellow, his wife was greedy and cunning.
She asked him very sweetly, “My dearest husband, it is good you have made such a friend. He eats such delicious fruit every day. Imagine how sweet and juicy his heart must be! If you could bring his heart for me, I’d be so happy.”

“How can I bring his heart? Besides, we cannot kill him when he has been so generous and kind!” said the crocodile.
But his wife finally persuaded the crocodile. She told him to invite the monkey to their home to entertain him in return for all his generosity. And when he came, they would kill him and eat his heart.
The next day, when they met, the crocodile invited his friend to come to his house for a meal. The monkey agreed happily, but asked, “How will I reach there? I cannot swim!” “I’ll carry you on my back,” said the crocodile.

So they set off with the monkey riding on the crocodile’s back. Halfway to the creek, the crocodile spoke the truth that he was taking him home so that his wife might eat his heart.
The monkey was very sharp. He said, “You should have told me earlier! My heart is kept on the tree. Could we go back and fetch it, please?” The crocodile and the monkey returned. As soon as they reached, the monkey leapt on to the tree. “You ungrateful cheat,” he cried, “Go away and never come back!”

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