Two cats were very hungry. Then, they found a piece of bread. Both staked claim over it. One of the cats grabbed it.
The other suggested, “Let us share it equally.”
The first cat was smart. She wanted to eat the whole piece. So, she disagreed.
The two quarrelled over it. Just then, a monkey happened to come there.
The cats requested to him, “Brother! You become our judge. We found this piece of bread. Each of us wants to eat the whole piece. What should we do?”
The monkey said, “Both of you can’t have whole of it. It should be shared equally. Give me the bread. I will make two equal shares. That will be the true justice.”

The monkey divided the bread roughly in two parts.
He examined the pieces and shook his head saying, “They are not equal. One is bigger than the other.”
The monkey ate a part of the bigger piece but still the two parts were not equal.
The monkey ate a piece from the bigger one. In this way, the monkey went on eating a part of the bigger piece. At last, just two small bits remained.
The cats cried, “Monkey brother! Give us back our bread. We don’t want such judgement.”
The monkey laughed and spoke, “Wow! How can I give these tiny pieces to you? What about my fee of working as a judge for you?”
The monkey popped the remaining bits into his mouth and departed.
Moral : Try to live in co-operation and co-existence.