Hatim walked for many days till he reached a point where the road forked into right and left. He took left and entered a dense jungle, full of wild beasts and birds of prey. Suddenly, he saw a herd of elephants running wildly towards him. Hatim climbed up a tree. From the treetop, he saw a monstrous animal with eyes like fireballs and whose tail was on its head. It was chasing the elephants. Hatim could not describe the ferocity and the devilish look of the animal. It oozed evil and destruction. When the monstrous animal saw Hatim on top of the tree, it jumped up to kill him, but its force broke the branch and Hatim fell down. Hatim took out his sword and plunged it into the monster’s belly. It made a howling noise, as it died while shaking the earth with its fall. Hatim took out its fangs and continued his journey.
The Monstrous Animal