The Mouse Plays a Trick

A forest was located near a sea-shore. All the animals in the forest used to make fun of the mouse’s tiny size. One day, the mouse thought of challenging the shark and the elephant, to a game of tug-of-war. He called the shark and asked her to remain near the sea-shore. The mouse told her that he would give her a long rope, and when he would ask him to pull, the competition would start. He conveyed the same message to the elephant and asked him to stand behind the trees near the sea-shore. The mouse then cleverly tied the rope, both to the shark’s tail and to the elephant’s body, too. He yelled, “Pull!” Both the animals, the elephant and the shark, pulled the rope; but to their shock, they just could not pull it! They thought, ‘That little mouse could not possibly be stronger than we!’ But finally, they shouted out in exhaustion, “O Mouse, we surrender; we will never mock you again!”

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