The Nasty Porcupine

One summer afternoon, a Porcupine was wandering across the forest. He had not eaten for days and did not have a place to stay. He went from one tree to another, but could not find a suitable place for himself.
Now, the Porcupine looked tired and weak. As he was walking, he saw a burrow in the hollow of a tree. He thought, ‘I can live here. Let me check it.’ But as he went closer, he saw some Snakes living in the burrow.
He requested the Snakes, “Dear Snakes, please let me live here. I have not eaten for days and been wandering around the forest.”
The kind Snakes felt bad for the Porcupine. They thought for a moment and then replied, “Ok Porcupine. Don’t worry. You can stay with us. Please get inside the burrow and we will get you some food.”
For a few days, the Snakes and the Porcupine lived happily. But after a few days, the Porcupine grew fatter. He ate all the time and became bigger and bigger every day. The Snakes started feeling uncomfortable in the burrow as there was no space for them to sleep. The Porcupine took all the space. His quills were also very sharp. It poked the Snakes all night. One day, the Snakes decided to talk to the Porcupine. “Porcupine, you will have to leave the burrow as it is small. You are growing every day and it is very uncomfortable for us to sleep in our burrow.”

The Nasty Porcupine replied, “I don’t have a problem. I will live here only. Anyone who has a problem in the burrow should leave the burrow.”

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