The new born

As already stated that was the most traumatic period for Hindus. Their religion was being trampled upon by foreign invaders. Socially they were a tormented lot. Utter disgrace and the humiliation was their fate. Most of the Hindus had lost pride and self belief. An inferiority complex had set in.
Hindu women were in pitiable state. They were bearing the brunt of the social conditions. Their husbands, sons and brothers were killing one another fighting for the different empires. The women didn’t know whose victory to pray for.
In one such empirical battle Shahaji’s brother and his wife’s brother had slain each other.
Thus, Shahaji’s wife Jijabai was a troubled soul. The plight of Hindus deeply pained her. Her father-in-law Vittoji understood her dilemma and pain. Jijabai found solace in confiding her agony to him. He would try to console her as best as he could.
When Jijabai became pregnant and they shifted to Shivneri fort, the daughter-in-law and the father-in-law came closer because they together could dream of the better world for Hindus based on the child that would arrive. They could savour the great expectations.
Whenever Jijabai lamented, “Father! How long will our Hindu tragedy go on? Shall we destroy ourselves killing one another as hirelings?” The father-in-law Vittoji would console her by saying, “Daughter, don’t lose hope. Things will change once the one you carry in your womb arrives. The other night in my dream I saw Lord Shiva telling me that he would take incarnation from your womb to redeem Hindus. So, don’t despair my child. Pray for his arrival.”
God fearing and deeply religious Jijabai readily believed in his dream because it gave her comfort and kindled hope in her. She prayed to Lord Shiva to make the child she was carrying in her womb to be his promised incarnation.
So, the baby was virtually the image of Lord Shiva for Jijabai and Vittoji. They decided to name the child ‘Shivaji’. Dada Kond Dev also agreed.
After vanquishing Darya Khan Shahaji arrived at the Shivneri fort in victory procession, Why not? He was victorious in the battle and was blessed with a son at home. His arrival completed the joy of Jijabai. The celebrations started again and continued for days. Shahaji kissed the face of his son again and again which held so much promise and hope.
Meanwhile, the south was in turmoil. Emperor Shahjahan had moved to the south to take advantage of the situation and expand the Mogul Empire southwards. He needed his local commander by his side for guidance and assistance. So, he sent a message to Shahaji to join him. Like a true warrior, Shahaji left the celebrations to stand by his new employer.
Shahaji stayed in the south for many years. He found little time for his wife and son. The situations kept changing fast in the south. He had to use all his guile, skills and bravery to tackle his enemies. Shahjahan had returned to Agra leaving the southern campaign in the care of his son Aurangzeb.
Shahaji could not get along the narrow minded Aurangzeb. So, he left Mogul Empire and joined the services of Nizam again inspite of all the horrible things that had happened with him there. That was the period when there were no permanent enemies or permanent friends. Political survival was name of the game.
But very soon, Shahaji realised that joining Nizam was a mistake. The emperor was a brainless person. It was obvious that sooner or later he would destroy himself with his foolishness.
Now, Shahaji defected to Adil Empire of Bijapur although that empire had got Poona town destroyed in the intervening period. Shahaji was making a compromise. Mohammad Shah Adil was a clever emperor. He understood the value of Shahaji’s diplomatic skills and his bravery. He accepted the services of Shahaji and appointed him Bijapaur’s governor of Karnataka state. The state was ill managed and was not under proper control of Bijapur. There was another reason too. There were a number of small Hindu kingdoms scattered in Karnataka region. The Hindu rulers held Shahaji in great esteem as he was ever helpful to Hindus. With Shahaji as the governor of Karnataka Bijapur hoped to bring all Hindu kingdoms under its influence.
Shahaji too liked this proposition. Now he could help Hindu kingdoms to make them more secure. In Karnataka, Shahaji conquered Bangalore from Kimp Gowda after a fierce battle. Commander Ranadullah Khan was so pleased that he gave Bangalore city to Shahaji as a reward.
Bangalore was a great city fortified by high walls and magnificent towers. It had grand buildings and pretty markets. It was dotted with beautiful gardens and fountains. Flowery trees lined the roads. The climate remained cool and pleasant throughout the year. Bangalore became Shahaji’s home. His elder son was with him.

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