The wife then went out, took a stick and started striking the heap of ash. The next morning when Setelane woke up, he heard the voices of many people talking, shouting and laughing. When he opened his eyes, he saw that there were many people around him who were building huts for themselves to live in. He heard lowing and bleating. The people around him tended cattle, goats and sheep. They saw him and spoke to him with respect, “Good morning, chief!” From then on, Setelane lived like a king surrounded by servants. He gave away his mouse-skin clothes started wearing the chief’s garment made of jackal-skins. He also slept on a fine bed. Alas! Good things do not last long and what is worse is people spoil them themselves by their own stupidity! The day came when Setelane came home drunk and did not know what he was going to say.
The New Life