The Nightingale

A nobleman loved to collect birds. One day, he caught a nightingale. The bird pleaded with him to let her go. “Why should I let you go?” he asked. “I will give you very useful advice, sir!” replied the nightingale. He laughed and let her go, asking, “So, what’s the advice?” The nightingale sat on a branch and said, “Don’t be sorry for what can’t be brought back! And don’t trust everything someone tells you!” The nobleman said, “How will that help me?” “You have allowed me to fly away!” replied the bird, “I have a priceless jewel under my wing! Now you can’t get it back!” The nobleman cursed his luck. “You sly bird! I shouldn’t have let you go!” he said. “But you shouldn’t believe what I say either,” laughed the nightingale. “How can I hide anything under my wing when I have to spread it like this!” And away flew the naughty nightingale.

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