Once upon a time, there was a jungle. It was full of oak trees. There were big oak trees, small oak trees and so on. Every day, woodcutters would come and chop down some oak trees. The trees did not like this at all. They hated being chopped. One day, the oak trees complained to God Jupiter, the god of sky and thunder. They asked Jupiter, “Why do we have to live like this? Why do farmers and woodcutters chop us down with their axes?” Jupiter said to the trees, “You should be happy. Why are you all so sad? Your wood is used for making many beautiful things. You are doing a wonderful job helping the people. If farmers did not chop you, you would be of no use.” Hearing this, the oak trees realised their worth. After that day, they never complained about being chopped down.
Moral: We should feel happy by helping others.