King Nanda had a vast kingdom. It was surrounded by seas and he was so powerful that all the smaller kings of the neighbourhood were his subjects. His fame spread far and wide.
He had many ministers, but the one he liked best was Vararuchi. He was knowledgeable about politics and philosophy, so King Nanda enjoyed discussions with him every day. His court assembled regularly.
One day, Vararuchi did not come to the court on time. He was very late. His wife had been extremely troublesome. She had sulked and scolded and made a scene. He tried everything to make her happy. But she refused to be pleased with all his flattery or affection or gifts. Finally, he asked her, “Tell me what you want, my dearest wife, and I promise to do it for you.”
She wanted him to get his head shaved and then to fall at her feet! The minister was forced to do what she asked and so had his hair shaved and then lay at her feet. The lady was pleased and finally permitted Vararuchi to go to the palace.

In the palace, the Queen had created an equally difficult problem for King Nanda. She too scolded him, sulked and threw a tantrum. The king was at his wit’s end. He had ordered all kinds of costly gifts for her, but she remained dissatisfied. She rejected the jewels and the rich dresses of silk and satin. She just sat in a corner and cried and screamed!
The King was fed up. He was late already for the court. He asked her what she really wanted. “will you give me what I ask for? Do you promise me?” asked the Queen. “Yes, of course, I promise,” said the King, tired of her tantrum. The Queen smiled.
“I want you to be my horse. I will put a bit in your mouth and sit on your back. I will ride and you will gallop,” demanded the Queen. The King was miserable. He ruled over a large kingdom, had kings as his subjects and in the palace his wife was turning him into a horse! But he had no choice as he had promised.
So, he sent away all the guards and the maids and spent time galloping around the chamber like a horse while his wife had a great time riding on his back! Finally, she was happy and the king was free to get on with his work.

When he entered the court, he found Vararuchi had also come in late. Moreover, he was bald! “What happened to you, my friend?” “Sir, this was my wife’s wish,” replied the minister. “I’ve had trouble too,” said the king. “Yes, I know, our wives rule us!” said Vararuchi, sadly.