The Old Man

One day, an old man was returning home from a city. He had been travelling since morning. Althoug he travelled so long, he could not reach the destination. On the way, he saw a Buddhist hut. He went there and requested the disciple, “I would like to stay here as it is getting dark and I am very much tired and it is very cold outside.” The Buddhist disciple refused and said, “Only Buddhist monks can stay in this hut.” The old man was very disappointed. He sat outside the hut. He saw some wooden Buddha idols kept outside the hut. He burnt all the idols to make himself warm and comfortable in the cold. Next day, the Buddhist monks shouted at the old man. The old man said, “You are trying to keep the idols alive whereas, I try to keep the Buddha inside me alive.”

Moral: Devotion lies inside your own heart, not anywhere else.

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