Wandering from one town to another, two brothers met an old man with a long grey beard, carrying a sack. They told him that they were seeking happiness. He smiled and pulled out a handful of gold coins. “Will this help you?” he asked. “Oh, yes!” said the elder brother, taking the coins. Then he held out a bright red ruby and asked, “Who will take this?” Again, the elder brother took it. Then, the old man asked them to help him carry his sack to the village. The elder one stood silent, while the younger one willingly carried it. At the edge of the village, the old man said, “The sack, and all that it contains, is yours, my boy!” “But I can’t take away your sack!” said the boy. “No, it’s a gift!” said the old man and he vanished in a trice. The boy opened the sack to find it filled with precious stones!