Crest, the rooster, was having an argument. “You can’t build your nest here!” said Crest. “And why not?” asked Marty, the grey owl. “It’s where the hens train the chicks.” “Why can’t I build a nest on this tree?” “You will attack the chicks! And you hoot all night!” “Hah! You crow so loudly! You wake everyone up!” “I keep everyone alert by hooting!” Mrs Goodley, the large ewe, arrived there. She heard both of them and said, “You build it on the tree near the pen, Marty.” “Why should I?” asked Marty. “I thought owls were wise,” said Mrs Goodley, “But you seem to be a very silly owl!” Marty was very upset, “How can you say that?” “You can’t be left near the chicks, Marty,” announced Mrs Goodley, “You come along with me or we’ll chase you off the farm!” And that’s how Marty built his nest near the pen.
The Owl’s Nest