Once, a partridge lived under a tree in a beautiful house. One day, while searching for food, he found a field full of grains. He stayed there eating to his heart’s content, and returned after a few weeks. While the partridge was away, a hare had occupied his house. The partridge asked him to go away. The hare said, “The house always belongs to the occupant.” They fought for a long time, and finally decided to go to the learned cat to solve their problem. On listening to the partridge and the hare, the cat took advantage of the situation. She said, “I’m old, and I cannot hear you. Come near and talk to me.” When they came near, the cat said, “I can barely hear you. Come closer.” The partridge and the hare kept going nearer and nearer. At last, the cat pounced on them and ate them up.
The Partridge and the Hare