The Plan

Ratanraj asked him the reason of his sadness. Brajmukut told him that the princess’ father had fixed her marriage with someone else. The princess herself was sad as she loved him. “I will find a way,” said Ratanraj. He thought for some time and said, “I have a plan.” “What is that?” asked Brajmukut. Ratanraj said, “Take a trident (trishul) with you when you go to meet her. When you see Padmavati scratch her body by striking her with this trishul, then take away all her jewellery and come back.” At first Brajmukut refused to do but Ratanraj coaxed him, “Do as I say; otherwise; you will never get the princess.” So, Brajmukut gave in and agreed to act on the advice of his friend. When he met Padmavati, he took all her jewellery and bruised her with the trident. Ratanraj told Brajmukut to sell the jewellery of the princess.

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