The Poor Donkey


Once, there was a donkey. One day, due to an accident, he lost his tail. He was deeply anguished by this loss. He kept crying and crying. He then thought, ‘I think I should go and search for my tail!’ He searched here and there. While searching around, he entered a garden. He crushed the plants under his feet as he was lost in his own thoughts. The gardener seeing this got angry. He thought, ‘This donkey has come to my garden to spoil my plants and eat my vegetables. I will have to save my garden from him!’ He shouted at the donkey, but the donkey did not listen to him. So, the gardener brought a thick stick and beat the donkey till he ran off. The donkey was shocked and in great pain. Now, besides his tail, he also cried for the beating he had received.
Moral: We should not lose our senses in difficult times.

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