Once upon a time, there was a potter who lived in a remote village. He made beautiful pots but he had one weakness. He was not sensible. He used to get drunk from time to time and then behave in a very boisterous way.
One day, he had a little too much to drink. When he came back home, he did not notice all the new pots he had made and piled up neatly. He stumbled around and fell among the pots. With a loud crash they broke into pieces and he lay among the wreckage. He was bleeding heavily from a cut on his head.
He ran to the Vaidji in the village and got treatment for his injury. The Vaidji applied some medicines and soon the wound healed, but it left a long and ugly scar on his forehead.

Some time later, there was a severe famine in the village. The potter had neither food nor did he have any work. He became thin and weak. Many people were leaving the village and going away to other places to find work and food. Among them were some servants from the king’s palace too. The potter decided to go along with them.
When the king saw him, he noticed the scar across the potter’s forehead. “What a serious injury this must have been,” thought the king, “I am sure this fellow must have got it in battle. And he survived with this wound! He must be a brave warrior.” So, without checking anything, the king gave the potter a place in his court which was shared with princes and senior soldiers. The potter was very happy as he was now given a lot of respect and had a luxurious life.
But there were many people in the court who were jealous of the potter. They were afraid of the king, so they kept quiet. However, they wondered if this man really deserved the honour and respect that the king gave him.

Then one day, there was a threat of attack by an enemy on this kingdom. The king was preparing for the battle. He decided to honour all his soldiers and warriors so that they might feel encouraged. Then they would fight for his kingdom with great enthusiasm.
His generals began to organise the elephants, the horses and all the equipment of war. Meanwhile, the king took some time to talk to the potter. Calling him aside, he asked him, “Prince, what is your achievement in the battle? When did you receive this wound?”
The potter was terrified of the battle. So finally, he spoke the truth, “I am only a potter, Sir. This injury was caused when I fell among my pots.” The angry king dismissed the potter from the court.