Once, a merchant and his wife were very religious. They had a son who never prayed or performed any religious duties. One day, his mother sent him to a temple to listen to a saint’s sermons. She hoped that listening to the sermons would change him. She also promised to give him money if he went there. The son, of course, went to the temple, but he slept throughout the sermon. The next day, when the son came back home, his mother gave him the money as she had promised. She thought her son would invite the saint to their house, but he did no such thing. Instead, after getting the money, he decided to go abroad for business. His mother pleaded with him not to go but he went off. But, as his ship was in the midst of the sea, a violent storm shook the sea. The ship sank and so did the son. Thus, he paid the price of not listening to his mother.
The Price of Disobedience