The Prince and the She-devils

The hundredth son of King Brahmadatta was advised that he could become a king only if he went to Bodh Gaya. On the way, the prince had to cross a forest full of narakas (demons). The determined prince and his five servants set out on their journey. She-devils, disguised as pretty women, followed them everywhere. The brave prince told his servants not to talk to them at all. One of the servants stopped to talk to a shedevil and was eaten up on the spot. The she-devils then created a palace and sang sweet melodies. This time, a second servant approached the she-devils and was gobbled up. Next, the she-devils created a palace filled with divine perfumes, a restaurant filled with finest dishes and another filled with soft beds and velvet couches. The remaining servants were drawn to these and were eaten. However, the prince did not stop and continued on his journey.

Moral: Falling into temptation will cause harm.

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