The Prince’s Anklet

“I’ve heard the story. But what’s your plan?” enquired Mrs Crow. “The king’s son comes every day to bathe at the ghat. He keeps his clothes and ornaments on the bank while he bathes. You must pick the golden anklet up and fly back with it,” advised Mr Crow. “What use is the Prince’s anklet to deal with our problem?” asked Mrs Crow. “You drop the anklet into the serpent’s hollow. The Prince’s attendants will follow you and see the serpent near the anklet. They will kill it,” said Mr Crow. Everything happened exactly as Mr Crow had planned. The soldiers came running, following the anklet carried by the crow. Seeing the snake in the hollow, they promptly killed it. Damanaka narrated the story to show Karataka that they could destroy the bull by trickery. Karataka agreed to help with Damanaka’s plan.

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