The Princess Loved to Eat

The King and the Queen were really fed up. They had a daughter who was always eating! She was always munching away at something. All the royal physicians and the doctors were called in. They gave her medicines. But the next day, they found her munching a slice of cake!
The King called all the wise men in his kingdom. They pored over a lot of books but the books had nothing to say. The wise men went away.
Finally, the King declared that anyone who could make the princess stop eating all the time would marry her and be heir to the kingdom. The King’s messengers announced this everywhere.
In a small hut on a mountain, there lived a young painter. He heard the announcement and smiled. The next day, he went off to the palace, carrying a large bag.

He told the King and the Queen, “I can cure the princess, but she must come and live in my hut for one year after she has married me.” The King and the Queen agreed.
The painter was taken to the princess who was eating grapes and a bowl of apples. He took a large canvas out of his bag and set it up on his easel. He arranged his paints and brushes. He told the princess that he would paint her portrait. No one must disturb him, or try to see his picture before it was finished.
In three weeks, the painting was done and then he called the princess to see it. The princess came eagerly. She stood in front of it looking shocked. The apple dropped from her hand. That day, she barely ate her dinner.

The next day, the painter announced that the princess was cured. It was indeed true! The King wished to see the remarkable painting that had completely changed his daughter overnight.
So, the painting was unveiled. There stood the princess looking ravishing in a white gown with stars all over it!
“She could never imagine that she was really so beautiful!” said the painter. “I only showed her what was possible and she stopped eating! And I want her to live in my hut because she will have to work hard,” replied the painter, “One must always have something to do!”
The princess married the painter and they were very happy living in the hut on the mountain. She was now as pretty as a picture!

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