The problem of being overweight

Today, many men, women and children are overweight. This is the direct consequence of our modern lifestyle where many physical chores and activities are taken over by machines and energy-saving devices. No longer do we have to chop firewood, fetch water from the well, wash clothes with our hands, or get on our hands and knees to scrub the floor. These are all taken care of by gas stoves, piped water, washing machines, vacuum cleaners etc.
Also we do not have to hunt for our dinner, toil in the field, or herd the sheep. Modern machines and farming methods have mostly replaced physical labour. So many of us, without the physical exertions that burn up energy and keep us lean, become overweight.
At the first glance, overweight people may not appear to have any problem, but behind their chubby faces and pot-bellies, they are just medical time-bombs waiting to go off. An overweight person has increased risks of falling prey to hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer and many other debilitating diseases. These potentially deadly conditions are in addition to the sheer weight that the person has to lug around every day, making it hard to walk for a distance, climb stairs, or even just to get up from a chair.
I know some overweight people and very one of them already has some kind of physical or health problem. One of my classmates is grossly overweight. While we run and play in the field, he just sits under the tree because he cannot keep up with us. He gets breathless easily and has to rest. My overweight uncle spends most of his time in front of the idiot box munching yet another box of snacks. He is a real ‘couch potato’. Already he ahs had a couple of toes amputated because of his diabetic condition. Yet he does not exercise or do something to reduce his weight.
Buying clothes off the rack is also another problem for the overweight person. They usually have to have their clothes specially tailored. This incurs greater expenses. Furthermore the range of clothes they can choose from is limited to the skill of their tailor.
Being overweight is certainly no fun, and is definitely hazardous to health. Unless the person has some kind of illness that causes him or her to be overweight, it is possible to reduce one’s weight with proper diet and exercises. It is better to keep within the normal range and stay healthy as much as possible. We do not need weight problems. Living is much more pleasant and enjoyable without them.
toil hard work, especially work that makes you feel physical tired
debilitating to make someone or something physically weak

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