The Quail and the Tom-Cat

The Quail and the Tom-Cat
In a jungle, there lived a quail. In her neighbourhood, there lived a tom-cat. The quail was the mother of four chicks. She was always scared of the tom-cat. But the tom-cat was very loving towards the chicks. One day, in spite of her fear, mother quail went out with her chicks for a walk near the pond. The tom-cat followed them with his camera. He wanted to take the pictures of those chicks. Suddenly, mother quail heard some sound. She immediately checked on her chicks and was shocked to find one of her chicks missing. The tom-cat had also heard the sound. He followed the sound and found that it was coming from a hole. The tom-cat put his paw inside the hole and found the missing chick there. He took out the chick carefully and handed it to mother quail. Mother quail was very happy and relieved and thanked the tom-cat. Finally, mother quail and the tom-cat became good friends.

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