The Question Of The Lion

One day the king of forest, lion was sitting under a tree. He saw a sheep passing by.

The lion called out to the sheep and asked, “Tell me, does my mouth stink or not?”

Innocent sheep answered, “Yes, Your Highness, your mouth stinks.”

The lion became furious. He roared, “Don’t you know that I am the king of the forest?”

“I…I spoke the truth…,” the sheep bleated meekly.

Then, the angry lion killed the truthful sheep.

After some time lion asked the same question to a wolf, “Does my mouth stink?”

The wolf was good at flattery, so it said, “You are the king, my lord! How can your mouth stink?”

The lion said rudely, “Get lost! You are only flattering me.”

After some time the same question was put to a fox.

The fox was very cunning. It replied calmly, “Your Highness! Due to cold my nose is stuffy.

I can’t smell anything.”

The lion was neither angry nor hurt by the reply of the fox.

Moral : Do as the situation demands.


A mice couple lived in a village. They loved each other.

One day the wife mouse gave birth to three baby mice. One of the babies
had seven tails.

Unfortunately, a cat got the two baby mice and only the seven tailed baby lived.

The seven tailed baby grew up and got admitted into a school.

In the school his schoolmates taunted, “Here comes the mouse with seven tails.”

“Mother! All the mice in my school tease me for my seven tails.” He complained.

So, the mother took him to a tailor and said, “Please cut off six of my baby’s tails.”

Next day, when he went to school his friends teased, “Six have gone but one remains.”

The poor baby mouse tearfully complained to his mother about the new taunt.

The mother asked him to get the remaining tail cut off.

The baby mouse went to the tailor shop and got his remaining tail cut.

“See the tailless mouse! Here comes the tailless mouse.” His friends again mocked at it in school.

Moral : Don’t lend ears to useless talks.

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